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What is this feeling? It's been a long time...

I recently changed jobs after seven years teaching in my local school district. I now drive an hour to work every morning, and an hour home every night. I made this change after months of soul searching, asking advice from nearly everyone I know, and generally expecting to receive some sort of "sign" from the Universe that I was making the correct decision.

I teach 8th grade science and I was recently gathering items for a lab activity for my classes. I personally own several graduated cylinders, but I was looking to find more at my new school site. I did not find what I was looking for. I was hoping to find an assortment of 10 ml, 25 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml glass graduated cylinders. Instead I found several large plastic ones. I quickly re-wrote my lab procedures to match the available equipment and then started looking at catalogs to find a good price for the graduated cylinders that I need for my students. I was thinking about how I was going to talk my husband into spending some money on this lab equipment when I remembered Donorschoose. I then spent a while writing a donation request for the necessary equipment and saved it, but did not yet submit.

The next day I was casually talking to the Academic Program Leader about lab experiments and I was lamenting the fact that we didn't have the glassware I was hoping for. She casually asked what we needed and I rattled off a list. At the end of the school day she entered my classroom with a science supply catalog, checked on details, and submitted a request for the needed equipment. To be paid for by the district.

To be paid for by the district.

What is this strange feeling? I think it's the feeling of support. I think it's the feeling of needs being met. I think it's the feeling of being provided for. I think it's the feeling of being professionally respected. I think it's the feeling of worthiness. I think it's the feeling of agreement with my professional pedagogy.

For the past seven years I have never had equipment or supplies purchased for me. Now, that is wrong. I had plenty of copy paper, paperclips, notebook paper, markers, paint, etc. I did not however, receive any glassware, science equipment, chemicals, dissection equipment, specimen, models, etc. I have been in a situation where if I wanted or needed something for science, I had to provide it myself. I have spent thousands of dollars, won countless grants, had several projects funded on Donorschoose. I have applied for any award that had a monetary gift so that I could buy more science supplies. My grandmothers don't know what to buy me for my birthday or Christmas, so I ask for science supplies. I have searched ebay for hours for science supplies. I have been a "do it yourself science department" for so long, that I have forgotten what it feels like to be supported.

It feels good.

Is this my sign from the Universe? I'm not sure. I will say that my husband and my credit card bill are very happy.


  1. I experience the same incredible support. If I mention a grant idea, my admin checks to see if they can handle it first. This is the way life should be - supported by our admin.

  2. This seems like it will make that drive worthwhile! Glad you are in a place where you can focus on the important work of teaching.


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