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Showing posts from 2016

My rant against "The Scientific Method":

I am a science teacher, and I have been for 15 years now. I LOVE science. I LOVE teaching science. I LOVE kids DOING science. I hate "The Scientific Method". I despise it. I also really hate mandatory science fair projects, but I'll rant about that on a later post, back to the subject at hand, the false "Scientific Method". I think that "The Scientific Method" oversimplifies the true nature of science, and sends the message that there is "only one true way" to perform an investigation. I can understand why teachers would include this in their curriculum, and I can even understand why this method would be reinforced through the participation in science fairs (I will rant about those later), but I do not like it, in fact, I despise it. If you are a teacher that uses "The Scientific Method" in your classroom currently, I am asking you to really be reflective in your practice. Please read the California Framework for Science Instruct